The universe is always speaking to us.
Sending us little messages, causing
Imagine stumbling upon something from childhood, a relic you thought was lost forever, while living thousands of miles away. That's the journey I experienced.
coincidences and serendipities, reminding
us to stop, to look around, to believe in
In Alaska, while shopping for our son, my wife and I stumbled upon a familiar sight: a denim jacket from my childhood, nestled among the racks of a thrift store.
something else, something more.
It was as if time folded back upon itself, revealing a piece of my past I never expected to see again. The jacket, once a cherished companion, still bore the faint traces of my name inscribed by my mother on the label back in 1994.

After growing up in Tennessee, Yarian later discovered his childhood jacket in an Alaska thrift store. His name was still enscribed on the tag.

24 years later, Yarian’s son wears his childhood jacket.